by hreilly » Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:32 pm
Hi Dana,
There are several variables to this question, empty weight, fuel capacity, prop, etc. My CB-1 specs and performance are: EW 883 pounds, 18 gallons gas, Sensenich wood 74-54 prop, 600x6 tires. Full fuel and myself (1200 lbs.), grass, 700 ft. MSL, I can break ground in 175 feet, maximum effort. Normal take off is 200-225 feet. I haven't measured precisely at heavier weights, but estimated less than 500 feet at 1400 pounds. My prop lets my O-320 turn up to 2800 on climb out, which helps with the ground acceleration. They all seem to perform well, you should enjoy it. Herb
Hi Dana,
There are several variables to this question, empty weight, fuel capacity, prop, etc. My CB-1 specs and performance are: EW 883 pounds, 18 gallons gas, Sensenich wood 74-54 prop, 600x6 tires. Full fuel and myself (1200 lbs.), grass, 700 ft. MSL, I can break ground in 175 feet, maximum effort. Normal take off is 200-225 feet. I haven't measured precisely at heavier weights, but estimated less than 500 feet at 1400 pounds. My prop lets my O-320 turn up to 2800 on climb out, which helps with the ground acceleration. They all seem to perform well, you should enjoy it. Herb